Last week, one of my favorite people—visual designer and illustrator Colleen O’Connor—challenged me to create one writing prompt a day for #The100DayProject, which is a free online art project where every spring, thousands of people all around the world commit to 100 days of exploring their creativity.
For me personally, it’s about learning to show up imperfectly. The only reason I’ve been a week late to the project is that I had to face the little voice inside my head that kept saying “what if these prompts are totally lame and inspire no one?” In other words, “what if I’m not good enough?” The thing is, hardly anything will ever be as perfect as we want it to be. The people who succeed at anything in life are those who take action anyway. So this is going to be my homage to imperfect action.
The project has already started but you can join anytime. It’s not just for artists by vocation—anyone can do this, and especially during this challenging time it can make for a fun, healing, and relaxing activity.
If you’re a fellow writer, aspiring author, or doing NaNoWriMo and need some writing inspiration, I hope these prompts will help you out. I’m going to post my writing prompts here on my blog but you can also download them as a printable PDF.
To make this a little more fun for me, these writing prompts are either taken from my own romance novels or inspired by pop culture. I’m using them myself in my work in progress (the first 7 prompts will be from the novel I’m writing on Wattpad, which also happens to be my first attempt at writing a romantic comedy).
To get started, pick a prompt, set a 15-minute timer, and write down whatever comes to mind—no matter how silly or abstract it may seem. This is also a fun way to write yourself out of writer’s block because it can spark new ideas.
Happy writing,

100 Days of Writing Prompts
- The strange behavior of adult metropolitans during mating season.
- Late-night car rides with notorious rock stars.
- How to make friends and alienate people.
- Friends with other benefits.
- I heard it through the grapevine.
- Blame it on the alcohol.
- Did you just kiss me?
That’s it for Week 1. To view all prompts in one place, follow along on my blog or download them as a printable PDF.